
Infrastructure Sharing for Supporting Better Broadband and Universal Access
Infrastructure Sharing for Supporting Better Broadband and Universal Access 13 April 2015

This project aims to identify the most effective strategies for infrastructure sharing and the national policies that encourage or facilitate their adoption, and improve awareness of the importance of infrastructure sharing in helping to address demand for broadband.

Local Action to Secure Internet Rights (APC-LASIR)
Local Action to Secure Internet Rights (APC-LASIR) 11 March 2015

Through the Local Action to Secure Internet Rights project, APC will facilitate national initiatives and support human rights campaigns in ten countries across the globe where opportunity, capacity and momentum already exist.

End violence: Most significant change story from Kenya
End violence: Most significant change story from Kenya 24 July 2014 International Association of Women in Radio and Television

The APC “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project is changing women’s lives. This week, the project partner in Kenya, IAWRT, shares the stories of women whose organisations were strengthened in a sustainable way to address technology-related violence against women after a training of trainers, and how those learnings impacted on the lives of hundreds of Kenyan wom...

Spectrum for broadband and broadcasting
Spectrum for broadband and broadcasting 27 February 2014

APC’s efforts to ensure affordable and equitable internet access focus significantly on radio spectrum. While use of wireless internet, particularly through mobile devices, is growing exponentially in the developing world, access to reliable and affordable broadband continues to be a challenge, especially for remote and rural locations. Open, development-oriented spectrum management has great...

Policing the internet: Intermediary liability in Africa
Policing the internet: Intermediary liability in Africa 02 October 2013

Holding internet intermediaries liable is an increasing global trend that transfers the responsibilities of law enforcement, as well as of copyright enforcement, to internet service providers (ISP), both large and small. Internet intermediaries are therefore increasingly used to police and enforce the law on the internet and even to mete out punishments ranging from content control to...

Freenet? film project launched in Brazil examines internet rights
Freenet? film project launched in Brazil examines internet rights 03 May 2013 Mallory Knodel

“Who controls the web? On whose behalf? How free are we really to access content?” These are questions that are being asked and answered by a global, crowd-sourced film project. Instituto Nupef, APC member in Brazil, has launched a collaborative documentary film project.

Intermediary liability in Kenya
Intermediary liability in Kenya 26 October 2012 Alice Munyua, Grace Githaiga and Victor Kapiyo

The rapid growth in internet access and use in Africa, particularly through the mobile internet, makes it imperative for civil society and for internet companies committed to the free flow of information and freedom of expression to better understand how intermediary liability works (or does not work). This paper looks at the role of internet intermediaries as well as their limitations on enabl...

End violence: Women's rights and safety online
End violence: Women's rights and safety online 20 August 2012

Technology-related violence against women is increasing at an alarming rate – yet it expresses itself differently around the world. This initiative is helping women create safe and secure environments online in seven different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Who controls the Internet? Final statement of the Pan African Civil Society Workshop
Who controls the Internet? Final statement of the Pan African Civil Society Workshop 02 August 2012 Anriette Esterhuysen

From July 26-27, diverse civil society organisations from the human rights, media and ICT policy sectors met in Nairobi to discuss “Who controls the internet” at a Pan African Civil Society workshop. This is their final statement.

Let's get spectrum right: It's time to start making use of TV white spaces
Let's get spectrum right: It's time to start making use of TV white spaces 03 October 2011

The use and management of spectrum was raised repeatedly during the IGF with many seeing digital migration and TV white spaces as an exciting opportunity for bridging the access gap. A number of recommendations came out of an APC workshop on spectrum for development as APC schedules a white spaces workshop in Joburg this week.

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