Freedom of expression

Joint letter calling for reforms to EU funding to ensure the right to privacy
Joint letter calling for reforms to EU funding to ensure the right to privacy 11 November 2020 Various

In this joint letter, APC, Privacy International and other civil society organisations raise their concerns over the funding and development of projects and initiatives which threaten the right to privacy and other fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.

In the midst of the pandemic, Muslims in India suffer from hate speech, physical attacks and Islamophobia
In the midst of the pandemic, Muslims in India suffer from hate speech, physical attacks and Islamophobia 09 November 2020 APCNews

What is the “corona jihad”? In the time of a pandemic, how has hate speech made matters worse for the Muslim population in India? How do we curb hate speech online? These are just some of the questions that a new report published by APC, The Contagion of Hate in India, aims to answer.

The Contagion of Hate in India
The Contagion of Hate in India 09 November 2020 Laxmi Murthy

What is the “corona jihad”? In the time of a pandemic, how has hate speech made matters worse for the Muslim population in India? How do we curb hate speech online? These are just some of the questions that this report aims to answer.

Dialling in the Law: A comparative assessment of jurisprudence on internet shutdowns
Dialling in the Law: A comparative assessment of jurisprudence on internet shutdowns 03 November 2020 Aayush Rathi, Arindrajit Basu and Anoushka Soni

This report outlines jurisprudence across the global South on the legality of internet shutdowns. It tackles the growing challenge of government-mandated disruptions of internet access around the world, often under the guise of safeguarding public order and upholding national security interests.

APC policy explainer: Platform responsibility and accountability
APC policy explainer: Platform responsibility and accountability 01 November 2020 APC

Companies should use international human rights law as the authoritative global standard for ensuring freedom of expression and other rights on their platforms, not the varying laws of states or their own private interests. In this document, APC explains why, where and how we work on this issue.

EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: Youth and online activism at Thailand protests
EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: Youth and online activism at Thailand protests 19 October 2020 EngageMedia

Piyanut Kotsan, director of Amnesty International Thailand, enumerates the human and digital rights issues and violations occurring during the recent youth-led protests, from the disproportionate use of laws against dissenting opinions to the increase in online harassment against young protesters. 

Unshackling Expression: The Philippines Report
Unshackling Expression: The Philippines Report 30 September 2020

The Foundation for Media Alternatives, in collaboration with the Association for Progressive Communications and the Cyrilla Collaborative, is proud to share, “Unshackling Expression: The Philippines Report.”

India: Amnesty International forced to halt work
India: Amnesty International forced to halt work 30 September 2020 Amnesty International

Amnesty International India announced that it is halting its work in the country after the Indian government froze its bank accounts in an act of reprisal for the organization’s human rights work.

The complex web of ICT laws offers little protection for freedom of expression in the Philippines
The complex web of ICT laws offers little protection for freedom of expression in the Philippines 30 September 2020 APCNews

The Foundation for Media Alternatives with APC and the Cyrilla Collaborative is proud to share “Unshackling Expression: The Philippines Report” which looks at government restrictions that affect or violate the population’s freedom of expression online and offline.

The erosion of digital rights in the fight against COVID-19 in Kenya
The erosion of digital rights in the fight against COVID-19 in Kenya 29 September 2020 Victor Kapiyo for CIPESA

Kenya confirmed its first Covid-19 case on March 12, 2020, and as of August 26, 2020, the country had recorded at least 559 deaths, 32,803 confirmed cases, and 19,055 recoveries, with 429,513 persons tested. Even before the first case was confirmed in Kenya in February 2020, the government had moved to establish the National Emergency Response Committee on Covid-19 to coordinate its preparednes...

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