Middle East and North Africa
Mohammed Maskati at IGMENA, Tunis. 2 October 2016. Photo by Leila Nachawati Rego Mohammed al-Maskati is a renowned Bahraini human rights defender and founder of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights. He works as a digital security consultant for Front Line Defenders, a human rights organisation founded in 2001 to protect human rights defenders at risk. He has worked with a diversity of international organisations working in the Middle East and North Africa in developing their policy and ...
Together for a free and open internet is the motto for this year’s IGMENA Summit, an event bringing together more than a hundred digital rights activists, human rights defenders, journalists and other stakeholders around internet rights and internet governance in the Middle East and North Africa, between 30 September and 2 October in Tunis.
Activist technology groups eQualit.ie and May First/People Link rally to mitigate DDoS attacks waged against Palestinian rights defenders and women’s and reproductive rights activists.
This issue paper links challenges to civil participation in internet governance in the Middle East and North Africa and the state of internet rights in the region with civil society advocacy strategies, as well as providing some recommendations, with a focus on Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.
During the “Arab Spring” of 2011, the internet was a space for mobilisation. Despite the increasing sophistication of persecution, the efforts to defend human rights, both online and offline, have not ceased.
During 2011, in the period dubbed the “Arab Spring”, the internet was a space for mobilisation. Since then, it has also become a space for oppression of activism and dissent. This research aims to highlight the links between the efforts of digital security trainings in the region with the human rights realities, focusing on two case studies: Morocco and Palestine.
This research aims to highlight the links between the efforts of digital security trainings in the Arab region with the human rights realities, focusing on Morocco and Palestine. It is part of APC’s project Building a culture of online human rights and digital security in the Maghreb-Machrek region.
This report explores how local groups in the Maghreb and Machrek regions are engaged in internet-related rights advocacy at the national and regional levels, and how that reflects upon the inclusion of these issues in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process.
As the Arab Internet Governance Forum reaches its fourth iteration, it continues to struggle to mature into a space where multistakeholder engagement can start producing the dialogue and efforts the region needs in order to face the many challenges in the field of internet governance. Attending both the global IGF and the Arab IGF within the space of one month, I believe that the region has mis...
Between 14 and 18 December, I joined my colleague Tarakiyee, from APC, in Beirut, along with a dozen activists and human rights defenders from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), with a focus on internet rights.
Association for Progressive Communications (APC) 2022
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