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Feminismo, desigualdades sociales y acceso a internet en Bolivia

genderit-feninist talk-es - Lun, 03/06/2017 - 14:11
El acceso a internet marca una gran diferencia entre quienes forman parte de la revolución digital y quienes se quedan atrás, una brecha que también nos aleja más a unas mujeres de otras. La importancia del acceso debe entenderse desde la concepción de internet como un espacio político y público que puede convertirse en una herramienta de empoderamiento de las mujeres.

Vivimos en un mundo altamente tecnologizado. Somos testigos de la abrumadora velocidad en que los microprocesadores y las memorias se hacen más eficientes y con ello las capacidades de cómputo, de análisis de datos, y de almacenamiento de información avanzan vertiginosamente. Es una época importante para preguntarnos sobre las cualidades de nuestras comunicaciones, sin duda, y esto implica entrar en terrenos pantanosos que circulan en el afuera de la red de redes.

Feminist talk

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El acceso a internet marca una gran diferencia entre quienes forman parte de la revolución digital y quienes se quedan atrás, una brecha que también nos aleja más a unas mujeres de otras. La importancia del acceso debe entenderse desde la concepción de internet como un espacio político y público que puede convertirse en una herramienta de empoderamiento de las mujeres.

Vivimos en un mundo altamente tecnologizado. Somos testigos de la abrumadora velocidad en que los microprocesadores y las memorias se hacen más eficientes y con ello las capacidades de cómputo, de análisis de datos, y de almacenamiento de información avanzan vertiginosamente. Es una época importante para preguntarnos sobre las cualidades de nuestras comunicaciones, sin duda, y esto implica entrar en terrenos pantanosos que circulan en el afuera de la red de redes.

Feminist talk

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Paro Internacional de Mujeres: este 8 de marzo nada de flores….

genderit-feninist talk-es - Mié, 03/01/2017 - 18:51
Este 8 de marzo, vamos a escuchar esos discursos muy bonitos: “las mujeres son lo más bello de la creación”, “a la mujer no se le toca ni con el pétalo de una rosa”, “la mujer como la cabeza de la familia”. ¡Por favor no me cuenten que somos lo mejor y no salgan con sus discursos patriarcales! ¡En pleno siglo XXI las mujeres tienen que seguir defendiendo sus derechos!

Eran apenas las 9 de la noche, salí tarde de la oficina y estaba muy estresada como para querer llegar a casa. Camine de la oficina a una tienda de pasteles. Me merecía algo con chocolate, pagué y caminé hasta mi casa, no eran más de 15 minutos. La noche caía, no entiendo por qué las luminarias son tan malas, el último tramo siempre es complicado, son dos cuadras muy largas, un lote baldío, un contenedor de basura y poca iluminación, no veía ni mi sombra, empecé a caminar rápido. Faltaba muy poco para llegar y en algún momento alguien se incorporo al eco de mis pasos.

Feminist talk

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Paro Internacional de Mujeres: este 8 de marzo nada de flores….

Este 8 de marzo, vamos a escuchar esos discursos muy bonitos: “las mujeres son lo más bello de la creación”, “a la mujer no se le toca ni con el pétalo de una rosa”, “la mujer como la cabeza de la familia”. ¡Por favor no me cuenten que somos lo mejor y no salgan con sus discursos patriarcales! ¡En pleno siglo XXI las mujeres tienen que seguir defendiendo sus derechos!

Eran apenas las 9 de la noche, salí tarde de la oficina y estaba muy estresada como para querer llegar a casa. Camine de la oficina a una tienda de pasteles. Me merecía algo con chocolate, pagué y caminé hasta mi casa, no eran más de 15 minutos. La noche caía, no entiendo por qué las luminarias son tan malas, el último tramo siempre es complicado, son dos cuadras muy largas, un lote baldío, un contenedor de basura y poca iluminación, no veía ni mi sombra, empecé a caminar rápido. Faltaba muy poco para llegar y en algún momento alguien se incorporo al eco de mis pasos.

Feminist talk

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A Woman Coder's Journey (Women-in-tech) feminist talk - Jue, 02/23/2017 - 07:25
Judith Owigar speaks about her journey entering into tech spaces, and also about their work with Akirachix in Kenya helping other women along the same journey marked by trials, exclusions and success. While speaking about the barriers of education in science and technology (STEM), she says that what inspires her work in many forums around women in tech in Africa, is that eventually a woman should have the space to make her own choices.

Image source: Akirachix

Judith Owigar is a coder, a blogger and a tech enthusiast. She has worked with Akirachix, a revolution for African women and technology. She is a native of Kenya, a country off the coast of East Africa, one of its 40 million inhabitants.

Namita Aavriti: Tell us a bit about yourself, what you are doing now, what motivates you.

Judith Owigar: I studied computer science out of curiosity initially.

Feminist talk

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A Woman Coder's Journey (Women-in-tech)

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 02/23/2017 - 07:25
Judith Owigar speaks about her journey entering into tech spaces, and also about their work with Akirachix in Kenya helping other women along the same journey marked by trials, exclusions and success. While speaking about the barriers of education in science and technology (STEM), she says that what inspires her work in many forums around women in tech in Africa, is that eventually a woman should have the space to make her own choices.

Image source: Akirachix

Judith Owigar is a coder, a blogger and a tech enthusiast. She has worked with Akirachix, a revolution for African women and technology. She is a native of Kenya, a country off the coast of East Africa, one of its 40 million inhabitants.

Namita Aavriti: Tell us a bit about yourself, what you are doing now, what motivates you.

Judith Owigar: I studied computer science out of curiosity initially.

Feminist talk

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Gender, Labour, Technology

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 02/23/2017 - 06:27

Photograph by Carsten ten Brink. Title: The women work. Image source

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[EDITORIAL] The problem of value for “women’s work”

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 02/23/2017 - 05:11

We face a problem when arguing for the economic value of women’s work through discourses of empowerment, inclusion or equality, and this problem is deeper than how it is framed in most development and access to technology discourse. It is based on the fact that only the kind of work done in spaces outside the home are considered to be real work.

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Sin ingenuidades, reclamando igualdad en el trabajo y participación en la economía digital

genderit-feninist talk-es - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 20:22
El 23 de febrero estamos frente a un paro inusual: las mujeres que trabajan en las empresas de tecnología de información y comunicación decidieron decir basta a la discriminación salarial y laboral, al menosprecio de sus capacidades en el mundo de la alta tecnología, al acoso laboral y sexual que muchas de ellas soportan en un ambiente que pretende regirse por reglas de poder masculino.

El 23 de febrero estamos frente a un paro inusual: las mujeres que trabajan en las empresas de tecnología de información y comunicación decidieron decir basta a la discriminación salarial y laboral, al menosprecio de sus capacidades en el mundo de la alta tecnología, al acoso laboral y sexual que muchas de ellas soportan en un ambiente que pretende regirse por reglas de poder masculino.

Feminist talk

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Sin ingenuidades, reclamando igualdad en el trabajo y participación en la economía digital

El 23 de febrero estamos frente a un paro inusual: las mujeres que trabajan en las empresas de tecnología de información y comunicación decidieron decir basta a la discriminación salarial y laboral, al menosprecio de sus capacidades en el mundo de la alta tecnología, al acoso laboral y sexual que muchas de ellas soportan en un ambiente que pretende regirse por reglas de poder masculino.

El 23 de febrero estamos frente a un paro inusual: las mujeres que trabajan en las empresas de tecnología de información y comunicación decidieron decir basta a la discriminación salarial y laboral, al menosprecio de sus capacidades en el mundo de la alta tecnología, al acoso laboral y sexual que muchas de ellas soportan en un ambiente que pretende regirse por reglas de poder masculino.

Feminist talk

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Feminist autonomous infrastructure in the internet battlefield: From Zombies to Ninjas in-depth - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 14:49
The Distributed Denial of Women strike borrows the metaphor of the DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack as a radical and subversive tool by activists, but currently DDOS attacks powered by zombie-bots are part of the anarcho-capitalist economies of the internet. Ganesh in their article unpacks the many levels at which gendered labour is extracted, and while positing feminist autonomous infrastructures as an alternative, points to the flaws and the contradictions in the movement and civil society as well.

Guy Fawkes Mask Collage
Article triggered by Ganesh

«Stand up for women and non-binary people in tech.
Join the general strike on February 23, 2017.
Pledge to stay home from work, stay offline, and/or publicly protest.»

The Distributed Denial of Women (DDoW) strike is an international call in protest to unequal conditions of women and genderfluid/queer in technology.

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Feminist autonomous infrastructure in the internet battlefield: From Zombies to Ninjas in-depth - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 14:49
The Distributed Denial of Women strike borrows the metaphor of the DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack as a radical and subversive tool by activists, but currently DDOS attacks powered by zombie-bots are part of the anarcho-capitalist economies of the internet. Ganesh in their article unpacks the many levels at which gendered labour is extracted, and while positing feminist autonomous infrastructures as an alternative, points to the flaws and the contradictions in the movement and civil society as well.

Guy Fawkes Mask Collage
Article triggered by Ganesh

«Stand up for women and non-binary people in tech.
Join the general strike on February 23, 2017.
Pledge to stay home from work, stay offline, and/or publicly protest.»

The Distributed Denial of Women (DDoW) strike is an international call in protest to unequal conditions of women and genderfluid/queer in technology.

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Feminist autonomous infrastructure in the internet battlefield: From Zombies to Ninjas

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 14:49
The Distributed Denial of Women strike borrows the metaphor of the DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack as a radical and subversive tool by activists, but currently DDOS attacks powered by zombie-bots are part of the anarcho-capitalist economies of the internet. Ganesh in their article unpacks the many levels at which gendered labour is extracted, and while positing feminist autonomous infrastructures as an alternative, points to the flaws and the contradictions in the movement and civil society as well.

Guy Fawkes Mask Collage
Article triggered by Ganesh

«Stand up for women and non-binary people in tech.
Join the general strike on February 23, 2017.
Pledge to stay home from work, stay offline, and/or publicly protest.»

The Distributed Denial of Women (DDoW) strike is an international call in protest to unequal conditions of women and genderfluid/queer in technology.

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Being Dalit, Doing Corporate (Women-in-tech) feminist talk - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 11:09
Multinational companies often put in place a policy for diversity and inclusiveness at the workplace, but does this guarantee the everyday, actual practice of accepting people from marginalized communities, and especially women from such communities. In this article, Christina Thomas Dhanaraj, examines what it means to be Dalit in corporate India - the continued invisibilising of caste, sexism and gender inequity and the effectiveness (or not) of diversity policies.

Original image source

“I strongly believe in the movements run by women. If they are truly taken in to confidence, they may change the present picture of society which is very miserable. In the past, they have played a significant role in improving the condition of weaker sections and classes.”
Dr B.R. Ambedkar

Before I delve into my article, I want to provide some context into why and how this is my story.

Feminist talk

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Being Dalit, Doing Corporate (Women-in-tech)

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 11:09
Multinational companies often put in place a policy for diversity and inclusiveness at the workplace, but does this guarantee the everyday, actual practice of accepting people from marginalized communities, and especially women from such communities. In this article, Christina Thomas Dhanaraj, examines what it means to be Dalit in corporate India - the continued invisibilising of caste, sexism and gender inequity and the effectiveness (or not) of diversity policies.

Original image source

“I strongly believe in the movements run by women. If they are truly taken in to confidence, they may change the present picture of society which is very miserable. In the past, they have played a significant role in improving the condition of weaker sections and classes.”
Dr B.R. Ambedkar

Before I delve into my article, I want to provide some context into why and how this is my story.

Feminist talk

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Educating, Hiring, and Retaining Women in Technology: A Gendered Enquiry in-depth - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 09:27
Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology(McKinsey survey, 2016). Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it? In this article, Radhika Radhakrishnan highlights the underlying realities that women face in technology beyond just a numbers game, and offer insight to such questions by interviewing diverse, pioneering women working in various aspects of the field.

Educating Women in Technology

In India, there are gender barriers that uniquely prevent women from accessing technology right from an early age. From an intersectional perspective, such gender barriers overlap with economic, cultural, and class barriers for women from marginalized backgrounds. For women to be creators of technology and decision-makers, we need to first address such barriers so as to not be closed off within the same groups of women who are privileged enough to enter the field.

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Educating, Hiring, and Retaining Women in Technology: A Gendered Enquiry in-depth - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 09:27
Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology(McKinsey survey, 2016). Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it? In this article, Radhika Radhakrishnan highlights the underlying realities that women face in technology beyond just a numbers game, and offer insight to such questions by interviewing diverse, pioneering women working in various aspects of the field.

Educating Women in Technology

In India, there are gender barriers that uniquely prevent women from accessing technology right from an early age. From an intersectional perspective, such gender barriers overlap with economic, cultural, and class barriers for women from marginalized backgrounds. For women to be creators of technology and decision-makers, we need to first address such barriers so as to not be closed off within the same groups of women who are privileged enough to enter the field.

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Educating, Hiring, and Retaining Women in Technology: A Gendered Enquiry

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 02/22/2017 - 09:27
Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology(McKinsey survey, 2016). Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it? In this article, Radhika Radhakrishnan highlights the underlying realities that women face in technology beyond just a numbers game, and offer insight to such questions by interviewing diverse, pioneering women working in various aspects of the field.

Educating Women in Technology

In India, there are gender barriers that uniquely prevent women from accessing technology right from an early age. From an intersectional perspective, such gender barriers overlap with economic, cultural, and class barriers for women from marginalized backgrounds. For women to be creators of technology and decision-makers, we need to first address such barriers so as to not be closed off within the same groups of women who are privileged enough to enter the field.

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Ten facts about your computer: Health, hardware and the toll on women feminist talk - Mar, 02/21/2017 - 19:03
This article takes a look at where our hardware comes from, the electronics factories situated in primarily Asian countries, and the challenges facing the people, primarily women, who work there, and the issues that impact upon women workers in the electronics industry. Ten facts about your computer that illuminate the gendered nature of the labour that is embedded in our hardware.

Photograph of Seagate Wuxi China Factory Tour by Robert Scoble, Original image

The top-end of the computer industry is still seen as a sexy place to be. The culture may be designed to wed you to the job, but its a pairing that many professionals envy. And of course, as this week’s protest is designed to highlight, this side of the industry is not where the women are.

Feminist talk

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The Architectures of Online Harassment (Part 1) feminist talk - Mar, 02/21/2017 - 07:59
In this two part report on a workshop on thinking through online harassment, Maya Ganesh of Tactical Technology Collective teases out the nuances of how online harassment takes place, technologically and socially. The article looks at what troubles and concerns us about online harassment of women, and what could be the possible new directions opened up by using a design-thinking approach. Part 2 of the article will unpack further the design-thinking model.

On January 3, Caroline Sinders and I conducted a workshop at Tactical Tech about applying design-thinking approaches to understanding and addressing online and offline harassment. I write about the results of this workshop in two parts, the first, this one, dealing with the framing of online harassment in the context of speech, and why this needs to be reconsidered.

Feminist talk

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