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A painting of an African feminist internet

jeu, 02/09/2017 - 04:38
Addressing the internet gender divide in Africa can only be achieved through the deliberate creation of a feminist internet, and this was affirmed by the Gender and Internet Governance eXchange (gigX) workshop that was held on 10 October 2016 in Durban. We need a feminist internet that works to empower all of us in our diversities, creates equal power relations, and dismantles patriarchy in all of its forms.

A signboard in a school in Uganda. Public Domain Image: source
Article republished from APC blog, 11 Nov 2016.

The internet remains one of the historical developments transforming human behaviour, greatly impacting on the social, economic, cultural and political spheres of life at an incredible speed.

Feminist talk

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‘There’s someone else just like you’: inside India’s asexuality networks

ven, 02/03/2017 - 11:47
Asexuality is often dismissed as experience or identity, even by those within the medical community. However in recent times the internet has played a valuable role in both affirming the choices of those who identify as asexual, and in building networks of support and conversation. Given that it is still very difficult to speak openly about any sexuality in most physical spaces in India, the internet is the only place where digitally-connected asexual people or aces can safely (and anonymously) speak about their experiences.

This article was originally published on Deep Dives
Cover Image: Jasmine Dreyer, 2015. Image Source

When Naqshpa* was a teenager, her friends swooned over Hrithik Roshan’s toned muscles and papered their walls with posters of Rahul Dravid. Meanwhile, they called Naqshpa a ‘kid’ because she didn’t feel that way about anyone.

Feminist talk

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