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Between 1982 and 1987 several independent, national, non-profit computer networks emerged as viable information and communication resources for activists and NGOs. The networks were founded by people with experience in communication and international collaboration in the NGO world, and a deep commitment to making new communication techniques available to movements working for social change. Most networks were founded by a small number of people who devoted their personal equipment and all their free time to spread electronic communication to their colleagues working for change.
In 1987, people at GreenNet in the United Kingdom began collaborating with their counterparts at the Institute for Global Communications (IGC) (then known as PeaceNet/EcoNet) in the United States. These two networks started sharing electronic conference material and demonstrated that trans-national electronic communications could serve international as well as domestic communities working for peace, human rights and the environment. The basis for an APC constitution was outlined at a meeting in IGC’s office in San Francisco.
This innovation proved so successful that by late 1989, networks in Sweden (NordNet), Canada (Web), Brazil (IBASE), Nicaragua (Nicarao) and Australia (Pegasus) were exchanging information with each other and with IGC and GreenNet. In May 1990, these seven organisations founded the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) to coordinate the operation and development of this emerging global network of networks.
In June 1995, APC received consultative (Category 1) status to the UN.
Today APC is a non-profit association of member and partner networks around the world, committed to making the internet serve the needs of global civil society.
Collected articles about the history of APC
A nice introduction to APC 1987-1993 by Karen Higgs and Frederick Noronha (APCNews July 2010): The internet is a “radically different” place because of APC
A paper from 1987 about APC and speculating on our future: Why the Association for Progressive Communications is different
Materials principally from 1985-1990 collected by Mitra Ardron, GreenNet and APC founder. Includes the APC proposal on Mitra’s thinking regarding the APC, its structure and priorities: Archive of early APC history
The History of APC: A Timeline (from 1990 to 2010). Check as well the video versions of this timeline, in English, Spanish and French.
An article by Carlos Afonso (in Portuguese): APC links Cuba to the internet in 1990
Enabling civil society participation in global policy-making: The APC and the United Nations
Interdoc: The first international non-governmental computer network
Need and chance: APC in the Global South and the rise of some strong Southern members
The founding of APC: Coincidences and logical steps in global civil society networking
A report from a 1992 meeting shows that computer networking using Fido is an appropriate, inexpensive and effective form of communication for Africa and possibly other parts of the developing world: Networking in Africa Report
Democratic electronic networks: The Worknet experience in South Africa
An article by Ricardo Gómez that flags the key role APC played in providing access to electronic communication to NGOs in the Latin American region when the service was not commercially available or affordable to these groups: Computer-Mediated Communication in Latin American Non-Governmental Organizations
An article by Carlos Afonso: Academia and digital activism: Ibase, APC, RNP and Tadao Takahashi
Watch the coverage of the launch of Pegasus Networks at Terania Creek as reported by Mark Hayes for ABC TV’s 7:30 Report in September 1989 here.