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Podcasts: El devenir ciberfeminista en América Latina y el Caribe

ProComuNicando Ciberfeminismo es un podcast que nace con el objetivo de ser un megáfono para las voces y reflexiones de mujeres que, en América y el Caribe, promueven acciones, espacios o iniciativas ciberfeministas, o que relacionan (TIC) tecnologías de información y comunicación con género.

Language Spanish

Advocating for better ICT laws at the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum feminist talk - Jue, 08/08/2019 - 11:05

The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum just completed in July 2019 and it took place in Russia. There were very few sessions that dealt with either gender or human rights and none that addressed sexuality. At one session there were discussions on the ICT related-laws and particularly on the broad and unclear provisions that deal with online censorship.

Advocating for better ICT laws at the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 08/08/2019 - 11:05

The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum just completed in July 2019 and it took place in Russia. There were very few sessions that dealt with either gender or human rights and none that addressed sexuality. At one session there were discussions on the ICT related-laws and particularly on the broad and unclear provisions that deal with online censorship.

#MeToo, el anonimato se defiende

¿Qué deja al descubierto que cientos de mujeres denunciaran a sus agresores a través del #MeTooMx? ¿Por qué se demanda a quienes alzaron la voz renunciar a su anonimato y confidencialidad? ¿Por qué las mujeres aún tenemos que denunciar de forma anónima? Preguntas del feminismo mexicano dispuesto a seguir reclamando.

Violencia sexual: ¿crece el miedo por ser noticia?

¿Qué ocurre cuando la violencia sexual es noticia y los medios y las redes sociales sacan a relucir todos los estereotipos conocidos sobre las conductas de las mujeres? Hay mucho para debatir y confrontar para avanzar en la autonomía de las mujeres.

Sci-fi feminista: la desigualdad se combate creando

¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de ciencia ficción feminista? Se trata de mostrar abiertamente los problemas de la sociedad y evidenciar que esta es patriarcal, que hay una estructura de poder de los varones sobre las mujeres, una estructura social, cultural, económica, ideológica y política que siempre se menciona como contraargumento.

Visibility and secrecy: Data protection, privacy and gender in Pakistan

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 07/11/2019 - 11:47

Privacy rights are becoming increasingly important and especially in the context of increasing datafication. Shmyla Khan of Digital Rights Foundation in Pakistan talks about the ways in which privacy rights are relevant, used and abused in the lives of women and gender diverse people.

How we reimagine and redefine freedoms feminist talk - Jue, 07/04/2019 - 13:25

What is the extraordinary power of storytelling and art when it comes to the liberation of personhood and sexuality. Here we explore the domino effect of telling our stories and hearing others.

How we reimagine and redefine freedoms

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 07/04/2019 - 13:25

What is the extraordinary power of storytelling and art when it comes to the liberation of personhood and sexuality. Here we explore the domino effect of telling our stories and hearing others.

La tecnología como política: por acciones transformadoras

En un encuentro con debates sustanciosos, activistas ciberfeministas de distintos países de América Latina se reunieron para afianzar nuevos espacios en internet y las redes sociales para la acción estratégica y la incidencia política. Sus preguntas y reflexiones nos convocan a seguir explorando colectivamente.

Lets go beyond ticking boxes: gender and sexuality in internet policy

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 15:09

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and others (LGBTI+) people across the world face varying levels of discrimination, exclusion, precarity, violence and phobia. Our difference seems to cancel out the possibility of empathy.

Are we just ticking boxes: Bringing up and expanding notions of gender in internet policy and governance

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 14:43

Can policy and law accommodate genders that are not confined by the binaries or are fluid? Spaces around governance often display an acute dysphasia and inability to comprehend what lies beyond and between categories, especially of gender.

Discourse online and onground around LGBTI rights in Poland feminist talk - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 14:41

In Eastern Europe there is a spread of anti-gender discourse and in this context the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex (LGBTI) people is precarious. This article explores the protection for free speech, religion and for LGBTI rights in Poland. 

Discourse online and onground around LGBTI rights in Poland

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 14:41

In Eastern Europe there is a spread of anti-gender discourse and in this context the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex (LGBTI) people is precarious. This article explores the protection for free speech, religion and for LGBTI rights in Poland. 

Finding the Pleasure Point in Internet Policy Spaces feminist talk - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 13:04

For some of us pleasure in our work is possible, even if it is to find the breaking and bending points in the institutions of policy and law. But even though political and particularly feminist frameworks make space for pleasure, where is the space for that in legal or policy language at the international or national level?

Finding the Pleasure Point in Internet Policy Spaces

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 13:04

For some of us pleasure in our work is possible, even if it is to find the breaking and bending points in the institutions of policy and law. But even though political and particularly feminist frameworks make space for pleasure, where is the space for that in legal or policy language at the international or national level?

Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 06/27/2019 - 12:42

An essential read about how design justice could be an incomparable tool to address discriminations towards transgender, intersex and gender diverse people. More broadly the series explores the injustices that could result from algorithmic decision making and the preponderance of artificial intelligence based mechanisms.

Language English

Mujeres periodistas: violencias digitales, feminismo y ola anti-derechos

Escuchar las voces de periodistas de Latinoamérica y Europa es una experiencia relevante en este presente tecnopolítico. Esas voces actualizan y dan significado al panorama desinformativo que se potencia con las plataformas digitales.

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