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No Photos Please: Dating & Hooking Up Via Grindr And Notions of Self-Worth

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Vie, 01/18/2019 - 11:11

The second in a series on queerness and privacy, this article explores the relevance of what is legally understood as privacy in the lives of queer people and communities living in the "global South". In this article, the contradictions between online dating for queer and gay people and the precarity of their daily lives is explored.

"Revenge Porn": 5 important reasons why we should not call it by that name

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 01/16/2019 - 11:54

This article sums up the different and important reasons why we should stop using the term "revenge porn" when describing certain kinds of violations online that entail the non-consensual taking and circulation of intimate images. Why does language matter and how does it shape our perceptions and responses? Sophie Maddocks tells us more, based on her extensive research and interviews with activists.

Del "ojalá maten a todas las feministas" al activismo feminista sin machitrolles

Las acciones feministas suelen despertar reacciones violentas en las redes sociales. En Aguascalientes, México, las activistas se organizaron para avanzar en sus derechos sin entrar en polémicas desgastantes y poniendo freno a los machitrolles.

Defender los territorios (digitales) sin dejar huella

A las tradicionales formas de la represión que vive la región mesoamericana, se suma el ingrediente de la persecución en internet y la criminalización de quienes defienden los derechos digitales

Observing community network in the Philippines through a gendered lens: Interview with Claire, Thessa and Clarisse

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Lun, 01/07/2019 - 15:03

In this interview, Serene Lim dives deep into what are the gender implications of making a community network in a remote area of the Philippines - from tackling gender stereotypes to the distribution of labour of running a community network to the benefits of access for communities often overlooked by telecommunications companies.

Gender and Privacy: From Oppression to Liberation: Reclaiming the Right to Privacy

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Lun, 01/07/2019 - 08:14

On November 28th 2018, as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, we published a report entitled “From Oppression to Liberation: Reclaiming the Right to Privacy.” It draws not only from academic literature but also interviews with gender and privacy experts across sixteen different countries.


Language English

El conocimiento es poder: consejos para una editatona exitosa

Nos entusiasma organizar editatonas porque Wikipedia es, sin dudas, un punto de referencia del conocimiento. Es fundamental que al organizarlas se tengan en cuenta  pautas con el fin de cerrar brechas en la producción de información y de conocimientos y también resguardar la seguridad digital de los/las participantes.

Five tips for a successful edit-a-thon on gender feminist talk - Jue, 12/20/2018 - 09:50

Do you want to organise an edit-a-thon around gender, women in STEM, movements and feminist histories of organising or anything else? Here are a list of (5 and more) things to watch out for - including the safety of your participants and how to navigate the tricky but sometimes essential rules of editing content on Wikipedia. 

Five tips for a successful edit-a-thon on gender

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 12/20/2018 - 09:50

Do you want to organise an edit-a-thon around gender, women in STEM, movements and feminist histories of organising or anything else? Here are a list of (5 and more) things to watch out for - including the safety of your participants and how to navigate the tricky but sometimes essential rules of editing content on Wikipedia. 

De copitas menstruales y otras tecnologías para nuestra autonomía

¿De qué manera nos apropiamos de las tecnologías? Entre el hacktivismo, la obsesión por la seguridad digital, y la necesidad de tomar decisiones que nos liberen y refuercen nuestra autonomía, las mujeres precisamos construir políticas para afianzar nuestra presencia en internet

Las voces de la tecnología que resuenan en los labs

Diana Franco, responsable de Hirikilabs, el Laboratorio Ciudadano de Cultura Digital y Tecnología situado en Donostia/San Sebastián, sentíó la necesidad de contrastar y reflexionar sobre lo que observaba en el interior de este equipamiento público de cultura digital.

Language Spanish

Queerness and Privacy[1]: Baby I Love It When You Never Hold Back From Me feminist talk - Sáb, 12/15/2018 - 07:24

What is the social and cultural understanding of privacy? In the wake of the judgments on decriminalising homosexuality and assuring people of their right to privacy, one writer ponders on the value of privacy in relation to the lived realities of queer and gay people.

Queerness and Privacy[1]: Baby I Love It When You Never Hold Back From Me

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Sáb, 12/15/2018 - 07:24

What is the social and cultural understanding of privacy? In the wake of the judgments on decriminalising homosexuality and assuring people of their right to privacy, one writer ponders on the value of privacy in relation to the lived realities of queer and gay people.

Not too young to run: Politics, gender and social media in Nigeria

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 12/13/2018 - 11:05

Social media and technology is transforming democracy and particularly how voting takes place. In Nigeria a bill was proposed to lower the age of running for public office. Here are short interviews with candidates for public office and for the office of the President, including young women, and their take on Nigeria, representation of women, social meida and its role in politics and movements.

Identidad en internet: hablemos de anonimato

No hablamos mucho sobre anonimato. En la versión que más nos gusta se trata de un juego donde podemos elegir múltiples identidades para aparecer y desaparecer en la red, a nuestro gusto. Se trata de expresarnos sin ser juzgadas. Compartimos reflexiones y pautas.

More than words. Investigating online discourse as a space of Gender-Based Violence

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mar, 12/11/2018 - 08:47

Here are collated insights into research on aspects of online gender-based violence against women and other minorities - around sexual objectification, delegitimisation of public personas, non-conformity to gender stereotypes and idealised notions of womanhood. Elena Pavan also shares more about the process of doing research using data scraped from online public discourse and the key questions going ahead for researchers and campaigners.

Censura del contenido LGBTQ en internet alrededor del mundo

Una empresa canadiense permite que su software se utilice a nivel mundial para censurar el acceso a la información sobre temas LGBTQ, en violación de las normas internacionales.

TBTT Global Meet, Nepal: An illustrated journey with questionable accuracy/a love letter to the gathering feminist talk - Vie, 12/07/2018 - 08:08

An illustrated journal and love letter to the feminists, hackers, women, gender-diverse, astrology-believers, radical nay-sayers, hikers, sleepers, vegans, beef-eaters, and everyone else who gathered in Nepal for the Take back the Tech and Feminist Tech Exchange camps in August 2018.

TBTT Global Meet, Nepal: An illustrated journey with questionable accuracy/a love letter to the gathering

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Vie, 12/07/2018 - 08:08

An illustrated journal and love letter to the feminists, hackers, women, gender-diverse, astrology-believers, radical nay-sayers, hikers, sleepers, vegans, beef-eaters, and everyone else who gathered in Nepal for the Take back the Tech and Feminist Tech Exchange camps in August 2018.

healing shamelessly feminist talk - Vie, 12/07/2018 - 07:56

Beyond saying that we as activists and feminists need self-care, how do we reach this space within ourselves? Here is one person's journey.

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