APC Annual Report 2020


The development of APC's 2020 Annual Report was unlike any other. How could we capture in one report what our community went through as the pandemic unfolded and presented us with one challenge after another? How to capture in words the real impact that our community achieved, in a completely unexpected context and such difficult, fragmenting, unequal circumstances? 

2020 was the year of the Cs, as APC's Executive Director Chat Garcia Ramilo puts it in her introduction to the report. This publication tells a story of collective adaptation and resilience, closeness and collaboration, care and connections, of a growing community navigating change.  

"It is a source of joy and hope to see that APC continues to be active and to expand its activity and impact in all the key result areas of the strategic plan and in the variety of activities of each APC member," says Leandro Navarro, chair of the APC Board of Directors. 

The stories in this annual report demonstrate the determination, resilience and creativity of the APC network.


Read APC's 2020 Annual Report in full here.

What are some of the highlights of our work in 2020?
Harnessing the collective power of communities

In 2020 we helped build the resilience of the APC network – our members, our partners and the communities we are part of – in the face of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. We did this through launching our “Closer than Ever” strategy, developing guiding principles for convening online events, and strengthening our use of open source technology for interacting online. APC’s subgranting programme responded to the immediate challenges faced by our members and partners, including building the capacity of community networks working on the ground.

Read more here.

Enabling digital inclusion for the most vulnerable

During 2020 APC worked towards empowering marginalised communities so that they could use and benefit from the internet during the pandemic. We helped create an enabling environment for community networks through global policy processes and supporting the development of national regulations. APC’s capacity building of community networks included the launch of a mentorship programme and supporting women working in community networks through subgrants.

Read more here.

Co-creating a feminist internet

APC supported women and LGBTIQ+ communities during the pandemic, helping them meet the threat of increased violence against women and people of diverse sexualities and genders. We moved our capacity-building programme online, made submissions on gender-based violence at the UN’s Human Rights Council, and, through small grants, ensured that funds were channelled to marginalised women most in need.

Read more here.

Advocating for human rights online and offline

During 2020 APC challenged the infringement of fundamental rights and freedoms in the global South, including through strategic advocacy and capacity-building interventions in Africa and Asia. We strengthened our advocacy on human rights standards in Africa, with particular attention paid to technology-related policies and practices adopted by governments during the pandemic. In Asia we built the capacity and awareness among stakeholders to push for the implementation of human rights standards in policies and legislation on hate speech. APC continued to hold the ground in global policy processes such as the Human Rights Council at a time when the pandemic restricted and limited participation from civil society.

Read more here.

Promoting governance of the internet as a global public good

In 2020 APC advocated for a renewed commitment to multistakeholder internet governance processes and continued to push for a human rights-based approach to global cybersecurity norms and standards.

Read more here.

Mobilising collective action for environmental justice and sustainability

In 2020 APC helped to break down the silos between environmental justice actors and digital rights activists, and drew attention to environmental priorities at key internet governance forums. We also developed our knowledge on environmental issues and their relation to technology, with a specific emphasis on growing circular economies. Through engaging with members and partners, research, and discussions at internet governance and rights forums, we strengthened our understanding of advocacy priorities in the field of environmental justice, technology and sustainability.

Read more here.

We hope this report brings inspiration and provides hope, while we make our way through these challenging times – together!
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