The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD Agency) was established in 2010 as an outcome of the integration of NEPAD into African Union structures and processes. The NEPAD Agency is the implementing agency of the African Union that advocates for NEPAD, facilitates and coordinates the development of NEPAD continent-wide programmes and projects, mobilises resources and engages the global community, regional economic communities and member states in the implementation of these programmes and projects. The NEPAD Agency replaced the NEPAD Secretariat which had coordinated the implementation of NEPAD programmes and projects since 2001. In 2016, NEPAD was one of the supporters of APC's African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG).

Gobernanza de internet: ¿Qué logramos entre 2016 y 2019?
Gobernanza de internet: ¿Qué logramos entre 2016 y 2019? 04 Octubre 2020 APCNoticias

Entre 2016 y 2019 trabajamos en promover procesos de incidencia que promuevan el carácter público de internet y que sean accesibles, democráticos, transparentes, inclusivos y promuevan la rendición de cuentas. ¿Hasta dónde llegamos? ¡Compruébalo aquí!

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