Assistant professor at the Computer Science and Information Engineering department of the University of Trento (DISI).
As part of our mission to empower people’s use of ICTs for social justice, APC is working with partners and members to ensure HRDs in the Maghreb-Machrek region have the tools and knowledge to operate securely online. To build a culture of online human rights and digital security, HRDs will also be encouraged to engage with existing human rights mechanisms (such as the UN Universal Periodical Review process) and use advocacy to improve the state of freedom of expression, freedom of asso...
The Network of Networks project aims to strengthen civil society influence in global public policy spaces that deal with internet policy issues through building a transglobal network of policy advocates working for an open and just information society. To do so we want to increase the capacity of organizations to understand, to intervene and to collaborate on internet governance issues. An advi...
The meeting focused on discussing possible collaborative development of standardized training materials and curricula.
For the first time, in September 2007, a large group of people involved in one way or another with development work met to discuss the possibilities and drawbacks of sophisticated web-based applications in situations of low bandwidth and limited access to powerful hardware. Many of them had the chance to experiment with the tools in a workshop APC co-organised at a conference called Web2forDev....