APC guidelines on planning and designing online events: A collection of practices and learnings


What do you need to consider when designing an online event? What are the core principles for safer and more accessible events? APC has collected its learnings from over 30 years of online work this new guide, which covers every stage of organising online events – from initial planning to going live to winding down. 

This is a collaborative work in progress enriched by the collective knowledge and examples from our network of members, partners and allies. It stems from our feminist and intersectional approaches, our commitment to trust and care, our passion for people and connection, and our concerns and strategies around access and safety.  It is also a “live” document that will be updated as new experience is accumulated and new perspectives and stories arise.

What will you find?
  • Planning and designing an online event: Here we explore some of the key considerations that need to be taken into account, such as core principles and practices, goals, and issues related to people, participation, context and access.

  • Rising action: Here you will find learnings related to timing and time zones, format, languages, budget and more.

  • Lead-up and going live: This section includes thoughts on communications planning, core principles for a safer and more accessible event, technical support during your event, and the need for a backup plan, among other considerations.

  • Winding down, reflections and collaboration.

Access the full guidelines here.
Hashtags: #ComeTogether #OnlineEventswithCare 
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