GISWatch 2011 Special Edition 2

APC and Hivos

This publication is a follow-up to the 2011 edition of Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch), an annual report that offers a civil society perspective on critical emerging issues in information societies worldwide. The theme for GISWatch 2011 was internet rights and democratisation, with a focus on freedom of expression and association online.

This follow-up report maps themes and trends that emerged in the 2011 publication, and also follows up on the action steps suggested in the country reports to see how relevant they still are one year later. There are five chapters here, focusing on the themes of collaborative advocacy networks; how activists are working for greater public participation in both internet governance and governance more broadly; research for advocacy and awareness; threats to internet freedom and security; and emerging issues in policy advocacy for internet rights.

GISWatch is produced by the Association for Progressive Communications and the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. To download past publications, please visit:



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