digital laws
Twenty-four digital rights defenders will convene from 20 to 24 September for the “Internet Rules: Unboxing digital laws in Southeast Asia” workshop. Over the course of the week, the participants will explore a variety of topics including ICT laws and jurisprudence, access, infrastructure and internet shutdowns, freedom of expression, gender and vulnerable groups, and legal methodology and process, among others.
APC and its partners are delighted to announce the upcoming “Internet Rules: Unboxing digital laws in Southeast Asia 2021” workshop, which will be held on a virtual platform from 20 to 24 September 2021. The deadline for applications has been extended until 23 July.
Brindaalakshmi. K shares her experience of working with community networks in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in India and the importance of independent community networks as a support mechanism for gender and sexual minorities.
What is the trajectory of judicial discourse on digital rights in South Asia? A new report, Jurisprudence Shaping Digital Rights in South Asia, attempts to shed light on this question and more.
How do we continually engage stakeholders in advocating for digital rights? How do we expand and reach more people despite limited resources? These were some of the key questions discussed during the fifth and final day of the Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws in Asia workshop.
“Has there been a gendered reality to the issues discussed in the previous sessions of the workshop?” was the question posed. “In every single one” was the immediate response. So began Day 4 of the Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws in South Asia workshop.
The third day of the Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws in South Asia workshop discussed freedom of expression laws in South Asia and trends and challenges related to content moderation and intermediary liability.
A new report, Unshackling Expression: A study on criminalisation of freedom of expression online in Nepal, explores how the legal framework in the country affects the right to free speech and self-expression in the digital sphere.
“Unshackling Expression: A study on criminalisation of freedom of expression online in Nepal’’ by Body and Data, in collaboration with Association for Progressive Communications with the support of the CYRILLA project, is a study in continuation of the 2017 report Unshackling Expression: A study on laws criminalising expression online in Asia.
With the first day centred around an introduction to basic legal concepts and the ICT law ecosystem, Day 2 of the Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws in South Asia workshop took on more complex issues of meaningful access to the internet and the many facets of privacy.
Association for Progressive Communications (APC) 2022
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