
Gender, diversity and inclusion in open source communities
Gender, diversity and inclusion in open source communities 29 April 2021 Mariana Fossatti for GenderIT.org

Code, even when it is open, is not neutral with respect to who contributes and for what. What happens to our contributions when we reveal our gender or sexuality? How can a project in which a significant portion of the work is invisible and not counted really be “free” and open source?

"Language revolt": This activist tweets against erasure of first languages in South Africa
"Language revolt": This activist tweets against erasure of first languages in South Africa 16 June 2020 Denver Toroxa Breda for Global Voices

This invisibility in the South African national narrative can also be seen by the language’s absence on the internet.

Rising Voices: Tweets about digital rights and African languages
Rising Voices: Tweets about digital rights and African languages 27 May 2020 Rising Voices

This five-week social media campaign invited five language digital activists from across Africa to focus on a particular digital rights issue in order to explore some considerations and implications for the use of African languages online.

Free To Be Mobile: Ensuring that women, girls, queer and trans persons can inhabit digital spaces freely and fearlessly
Free To Be Mobile: Ensuring that women, girls, queer and trans persons can inhabit digital spaces freely and fearlessly 11 March 2019 Zarah Udwadia and Baldeep Grewal

APC member Point of View launches Free To Be Mobile, a publication that features ten stories of teenagers, women, trans and queer persons, and their experiences of digital violence.

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