Joint statement: Finding the good in the first UN General Assembly resolution on artificial intelligence
Joint statement: Finding the good in the first UN General Assembly resolution on artificial intelligence 10 April 2024 Various

Stakeholders far from UN grounds benefit when states clarify their position on new and emerging technologies and how international law, including international human rights law, and sustainable development commitments apply to fields like artificial intelligence.

Joint civil society statement on outcomes of the UNGA 78 Third Committee
Joint civil society statement on outcomes of the UNGA 78 Third Committee 21 November 2023 Various

APC and other civil society organisations marked the conclusion of the UN General Assembly's 78th Third Committee session with observations on both thematic and country-specific outcomes, and urged all states to implement the commitments made during this session to their full extent.

Joint civil society statement on cyber peace and human security
Joint civil society statement on cyber peace and human security 11 October 2023 Various

The internet and connected devices are being weaponised in ways that negatively impact on human rights, such as through surveillance, hacking, censorship, and intentional disruption of internet services and access.

“The gendered dimensions of disinformation”: Register for the 78 UNGA side event co-organised by APC and partners
“The gendered dimensions of disinformation”: Register for the 78 UNGA side event co-organised by APC and partners 01 October 2023 Maja Romano

APC and partners are joining the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression in organising a side event at the UNGA entitled "The gendered dimensions of disinformation".

Joint civil society statement on the outcomes of UNGA 77 Third Committee
Joint civil society statement on the outcomes of UNGA 77 Third Committee 22 November 2022 Various

APC and other organisations marked the conclusion of the UN General Assembly's 77th Third Committee session with observations on some thematic and country-specific resolutions considered at this session and called on states to implement the commitments made in the resolutions adopted there.

Joint civil society statement on outcomes of the UNGA 76 Third Committee
Joint civil society statement on outcomes of the UNGA 76 Third Committee 19 November 2021 Various

APC and other civil society organisations marked the conclusion of the UN General Assembly's 76th Third Committee session with these observations on both thematic and country-specific resolutions. We urge all states to implement the commitments made in these resolutions to their full extent.

Save the date for a conversation on freedom of expression and gender justice with Irene Khan
Save the date for a conversation on freedom of expression and gender justice with Irene Khan 18 October 2021

Join us on Thursday 21 October 14:00 UTC in a conversation with Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, on her new report on Freedom of Expression and Gender Justice.

Joint civil society statement on cyber peace and human security
Joint civil society statement on cyber peace and human security 13 October 2021 Various

Technology-facilitated violence must be understood in light of its impact on lives and livelihoods. Human security is at the heart of cyber security and therefore demands human-centric and rights-based approaches to establishing a peaceful ICT environment.

Joint civil society statement on the outcomes of the UN General Assembly Third Committee 75th session
Joint civil society statement on the outcomes of the UN General Assembly Third Committee 75th session 23 November 2020 Various

This joint statement from APC and other civil society organisations around the world addresses the outcomes of the most recent session of the UNGA Third Committee.

Unpacking the GGE's framework on responsible state behaviour: Cyber norms
Unpacking the GGE's framework on responsible state behaviour: Cyber norms 20 December 2019 Anriette Esterhuysen, Deborah Brown and Sheetal Kumar

At the UN First Committee, two processes – the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) and the Open-ended Working Group  – are exploring the same question: responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. This paper examines norms in cyberspace, or "cyber norms", and their relevance to human rights.

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