Women human rights defenders
This paper highlights the gendered and racialised effects of data practices; outlines the overlapping nature of state, commercial and peer surveillance; and maps the challenges and opportunities women and queers encounter on the nexus between data, surveillance, gender and sexuality.
APC denounces the arrests of 23 protestors and human rights defenders in Egypt, including the arrest of Yara Sallam, long-time APC partner and human rights advocate. Since the introduction of the protest law in November, there have been a string of actions aimed at silencing dissent in Egypt. APC fully supports the call from Nazra for Feminist Studies to release the human rights defenders and comply with international standards on freedom of assembly.
APC is seeking an outreach and capacity building coordinator to join its policy to coordinate its internet rights networking and capacity-building work with women’s and human rights defenders in the Maghreb-Machrek region.
A survey of women human rights defenders (WHRDs) conducted as part of APC’s Connect Your Rights! campaign revealed some interesting practices and perceptions in terms of their use of information and communications technologies in their work. Read an analysis.
Take this brief survey to help three NGOs understand women human rights defenders’ experiences and views on online security. All responses are anonymised and will help inform the work of activists. Survey closes May 18!
GenderIT examines the risks many activists face online. “Security emerged not only as one of the main topics in our interviews but also forced us to change our ways of working so that we didn’t jeopardise the safety of our interviewees,” say the editors. A must read.