Freedom of religion

"This attack has brought all human rights frameworks into question”: Experts speak about genocide and the internet in Gaza
"This attack has brought all human rights frameworks into question”: Experts speak about genocide and the internet in Gaza 19 December 2023 APCNews

7amleh, SMEX and APC organised a webinar to commemorate Human Rights Day and discuss the ongoing violations affecting civil society, the internet and communications in Gaza. Several civil society experts weighed in on pressing issues of concern in the current crisis. 

Upcoming webinar on Gaza: Genocide and the Internet
Upcoming webinar on Gaza: Genocide and the Internet 05 December 2023 APCNews

7amleh, SMEX and APC are hosting a webinar on Monday, 11 December to commemorate Human Rights Day and to shed light on the ongoing violations that are affecting civil society organisations, the internet and communications infrastructure in Gaza and internet spaces in general.

APC urges 119 governments to respect human rights and law at the UNGA emergency session on Gaza
APC urges 119 governments to respect human rights and law at the UNGA emergency session on Gaza 26 October 2023 APCNews

APC sent letters to 119 governments urging them to uphold the integrity of the UN human rights system amidst the rising alarm of the risk of genocide against the Palestinian people, asking the government delegates to incorporate these principles in their statements at the session.

APC condemns violence against Palestinians and demands protection of human rights for all
APC condemns violence against Palestinians and demands protection of human rights for all 17 October 2023 APC

APC condemns the violent attacks targeting Palestinian territories and stands with all the citizens of Palestine who have been experiencing settler colonialism, genocide, structural violence and grave human rights violations, today and throughout the last 75 years.

Navigating identities: Experiencing online violence as a Shia woman in Pakistan
Navigating identities: Experiencing online violence as a Shia woman in Pakistan 29 October 2022 Zoya Anwer for

Shia Muslims are constantly at risk of being targeted with violence online and offline for their religious belief. And when Shia women and queer folks go online, they find themselves at risk of being targeted with abuse from multiple fronts as their two identities combine.

APC calls for Iran to immediately stop violence against citizens and blocking of internet access during the latest protests
APC calls for Iran to immediately stop violence against citizens and blocking of internet access during the latest protests 05 October 2022 APC

The Association for Progressive Communications is outraged by the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Iran as well as deeply alarmed by the ensuing violent crackdown on protests, violations of women’s rights, and widespread internet shutdowns across the country. 

 Tackling online hate speech in Africa and beyond: “We can't trust Big Tech to abide by its own rules”
Tackling online hate speech in Africa and beyond: “We can't trust Big Tech to abide by its own rules” 05 October 2022 Fungai Machirori

Online hate speech has become a fixture of our lives, especially across Africa. We talked to experts in our network and beyond about this crisis, its tricky challenges and ways to counter it, including APC’s recent campaign on International Day for Countering Hate Speech.

Iranian women’s fight for right to life and freedom faces surveillance, internet shutdowns, violence and murders
Iranian women’s fight for right to life and freedom faces surveillance, internet shutdowns, violence and murders 03 October 2022 Hija Kamran for

In Iran, women are protesting to demand bodily autonomy and their right to live, in the wake of the state-backed murder of a 22-year-old Mahsa Amini by the morality police. The government is responding by killing more women, attacking protestors and censoring the internet to contain the information.

Universal Periodic Review 41st session – Indonesia: Freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, and digital rights
Universal Periodic Review 41st session – Indonesia: Freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, and digital rights 11 July 2022 APC, EngageMedia and SAFEnet

This joint civil society submission focuses particularly on digital rights including freedom of expression, the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs), including women human rights defenders, violence against women and misinformation.

Reflections on hate speech and other thoughts
Reflections on hate speech and other thoughts 01 June 2022 Multiple contributors

This report captures the first results of a project aimed at creating generative processes and spaces for discussions in Bangladesh around free speech and hate speech and their implications which could continue beyond the scope and timeline of the project.

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