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healing shamelessly

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Vie, 12/07/2018 - 07:56

Beyond saying that we as activists and feminists need self-care, how do we reach this space within ourselves? Here is one person's journey.

How internet shutdowns affect the lives of women in Manipur

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 12/06/2018 - 10:49

What is the experience of living through frequent network shutdowns and bans on mobile internet in the context of Manipur, a region located northeast of India. This article reviews a report on shutdowns in the region, and explores the specific impacts on women, and more broadly on people living in a sensitive region. 

Of Sieges and Shutdowns: How unreliable mobile networks and intentional Internet shutdowns affect the lives of women in Manipur

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 12/06/2018 - 10:43

Of Sieges and Shutdowns draws upon 16 qualitative interviews and as many first-person accounts to unravel and document how unreliable mobile networks and intentional Internet shutdowns affect the lives of women in Manipur. The Bachchao Project conducted this study in late 2017 in Manipur with the support of Integrated Rural Development Service Organisation (IRDSO).

Language English

Encender el aire con radioactivismo feminista

Durante el 17, 18 y 19 de noviembre se realizó en Mar del Plata el Encuentro de Radialistas Feministas, una instancia de formación, debate e intercambio de experiencias que reunió a más de 150 radialistas de la Argentina y la región latinoamericana.

Datos y mapeo de feminicidios: visualizar y cuestionar

Saber sobre los datos es un campo de batalla, por eso en esta nota reflexionamos acerca de las posibilidades que nos da el mapeo y la indexación de la violencia de género desde perspectivas de base social, también conoceremos proyectos de indexación por parte instituciones y gobiernos

13 formas de agresión en línea contra las mujeres

Después de dos años de seguir y acompañar a mujeres que viven lo que llamamos violencia en línea, violencia cibernética o violencia digital Luchadoras, Social TIC, organizaciones sociales con sede en México,  y la Asociación por el Progreso de las Comunicaciones elaboraron la siguiente tipología que da cuenta de 13 formas distintas de agresión contra las mujeres a través de las tecnologías.

Language Spanish

5 reflexiones sobre la moderación de contenidos en línea, desde adentro

Mucho antes de que las prácticas de moderación de contenidos de Silicon Valley llegaran a los titulares de los periódicos, muchas organizaciones especializadas que trabajan en la intersección de la tecnología y los derechos humanos cuestionaron a las redes sociales por sus prácticas y el debate continúa

5 thoughts on online content moderation from an insider feminist talk - Mié, 11/21/2018 - 08:23

What does content moderation on social media actually entail - how much artificial intelligence and human labour is being used, who is responsible for decisions around the removal of content or about what complaints to ignore? An insider from social media companies shares 5 concise insights on how social media giants actually work. 

5 thoughts on online content moderation from an insider

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 11/21/2018 - 08:23

What does content moderation on social media actually entail - how much artificial intelligence and human labour is being used, who is responsible for decisions around the removal of content or about what complaints to ignore? An insider from social media companies shares 5 concise insights on how social media giants actually work. 

Gendersec Curricula: Training Curriculum from Gender and Technology Institute

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mar, 11/20/2018 - 15:57

The Gendersec Curricula is a resource that introduces a holistic, feminist perspective to privacy and digital security trainings, informed by years of working with women and trans activists around the world. Informed by years of working with women and trans activists around the world, this free resource covers over 20 topics such as Hacking Hate Speech, Strategies of Resistance, Creative Uses of Social Media,Technological Sovereignty, Handling Anxiety, Releasing Physical Stress, Information Mapping and Identifying Risks.

Language English

More To Do: Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence in the Philippines feminist talk - Mar, 11/20/2018 - 13:27

This article maps the legal mechanisms to deal with online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence in the Philippines. While a number of laws have evolved to deal with forms of online abuse and violence, such as cyberbullying of students, there are still gaps in relation to what women are facing online. 

More To Do: Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence in the Philippines

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mar, 11/20/2018 - 13:27

This article maps the legal mechanisms to deal with online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence in the Philippines. While a number of laws have evolved to deal with forms of online abuse and violence, such as cyberbullying of students, there are still gaps in relation to what women are facing online. 

Fronteras digitales: comunidades, cuidados y resiliencia

Dos hechos que ocurren en las comunidades que integramos en la red mueven a la autora a reflexionar sobre cómo las construimos, y cómo respondemos ante el trauma de una agresión

Imaginemos una internet feminista (Parte 3)

¿A dónde va el movimiento de mujeres que activa y se potencia en los espacios digitales? Analizar los avances y retrocesos, además del contexto, moviliza y construye nuevas estrategias para reafirmar la vigencia del ciberfeminismo.

Melt down of protections for data and privacy in Tanzania for LGBTQIA and others feminist talk - Jue, 11/15/2018 - 16:32

The clampdown on gays and non-heteronormative people in Tanzania has been in the news and while it seems like it is the agenda of certain groups and people in the government, it is essential to examine what are the privacy, data and censorship implications of targeting LGBTQIA+ people online.

Melt down of protections for data and privacy in Tanzania for LGBTQIA and others

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 11/15/2018 - 16:32

The clampdown on gays and non-heteronormative people in Tanzania has been in the news and while it seems like it is the agenda of certain groups and people in the government, it is essential to examine what are the privacy, data and censorship implications of targeting LGBTQIA+ people online.

Online Abuse: A SILENT MONSTER Curtailing WOMEN’S RIGHTS ONLINE feminist talk - Jue, 11/15/2018 - 10:06

Online abuse and harassment prevents women from realising their full rights online. In this article we look at specific instances of harassment of women online in Ghana, and what needs to be done to ensure full and meaningful internet access for women.


Feminist reflections on internet policies - Jue, 11/15/2018 - 10:06

Online abuse and harassment prevents women from realising their full rights online. In this article we look at specific instances of harassment of women online in Ghana, and what needs to be done to ensure full and meaningful internet access for women.

13 manifestations of gender-based violence using technology

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Lun, 11/12/2018 - 16:30

Take back the tech! worked closely with Luchadoras and SocialTic, campaigners in Mexico, to develop this list of manifestations of online gender-based violence based on case documentation.

Use it in your work and activism, and please share it widely!

Language English
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