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PodCat Feminist spectrum and infrastructure

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 11/08/2017 - 09:08
podcat_brunz.mp3 Page type:  In depth

In this podcast we’re going to talk about women, technology, infrastructure and the electromagnetic spectrum, from a feminist perspective. First off, let’s understand technology as ways of being, living, loving, suffering, resisting, organising, cooking...all are ancestral forms of technology. We also have infrastructure - the elements that make technologies operate so powerfully.

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Women's Gaze: Interview with Ninka Khaindrava feminist talk - Mar, 11/07/2017 - 11:38
In this interview with Ninka Khaindrava, she talks about the state of activism around women's rights, labour rights and sexuality in Georgia. Ninka attended the MFI meeting in Malaysia to learn more about activists and their experiences with security and online violence in other parts of the world.

Image source: Ninka Khaindrava. First women march against online violence and attacks against women in Georgia

Ninka Khaindrava works for Women's Gaze in Georgia as their communications person. Women's Gaze is also part of the FRIDA network for young women. Here is our interview with her on the work they do and the connections they seek with other people, organisations, women's movements across the world.

Namita Aavriti: Can you tell us about your context and the kind of work you do?

Feminist talk

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Women's Gaze: Interview with Ninka Khaindrava

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mar, 11/07/2017 - 11:38
In this interview with Ninka Khaindrava, she talks about the state of activism around women's rights, labour rights and sexuality in Georgia. Ninka attended the MFI meeting in Malaysia to learn more about activists and their experiences with security and online violence in other parts of the world.

Image source: Ninka Khaindrava. First women march against online violence and attacks against women in Georgia

Ninka Khaindrava works for Women's Gaze in Georgia as their communications person. Women's Gaze is also part of the FRIDA network for young women. Here is our interview with her on the work they do and the connections they seek with other people, organisations, women's movements across the world.

Namita Aavriti: Can you tell us about your context and the kind of work you do?

Feminist talk

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Interview with Lili_Anaz: A body that knows itself ... in-depth - Mar, 11/07/2017 - 11:33
Lili_Anaz is an artist, communicator, photographer, writer and hackfeminist activist whose entire work is a feminist exploration about the crossroads between art, body, memory, resistances, sexuality, human rights, hacking, and free technologies. In this interview with Jennifer Radloff Lili_Anaz speaks about her passions and her work in Mexico.

A body that knows itself and knows that together with others it can generate a very strong force to hack any system.

The following interview was done with the help and interpretation by Erika Smith.

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Interview with Lili_Anaz: A body that knows itself ...

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mar, 11/07/2017 - 11:33
Lili_Anaz is an artist, communicator, photographer, writer and hackfeminist activist whose entire work is a feminist exploration about the crossroads between art, body, memory, resistances, sexuality, human rights, hacking, and free technologies. In this interview with Jennifer Radloff Lili_Anaz speaks about her passions and her work in Mexico.

A body that knows itself and knows that together with others it can generate a very strong force to hack any system.

The following interview was done with the help and interpretation by Erika Smith.

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Amiga, ¡qué hacker!

En profundidad de - Lun, 11/06/2017 - 18:48
Una reflexión sobre amistad,compromiso y activismo feministas reflejado en la creación y el diseño de imágenes y textos para fortalecer la participación en debates y espacios de aprendizaje.

“¡Amiga qué hacker!”, es lo que decimos con mis amigas, cuando, por ejemplo, cambiamos la configuración de privacidad en alguna red social, ingresamos a un baño al que ‘no deberíamos poder ingresar’ o organizamos una editatona. Esta frase es un chiste pero a la vez, una pequeña celebración de que pudimos romper una regla que sentíamos, nos oprimía. Pero en México dirían ¡Que hacker amiga!

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Amiga, ¡qué hacker!

Una reflexión sobre amistad,compromiso y activismo feministas reflejado en la creación y el diseño de imágenes y textos para fortalecer la participación en debates y espacios de aprendizaje.

“¡Amiga qué hacker!”, es lo que decimos con mis amigas, cuando, por ejemplo, cambiamos la configuración de privacidad en alguna red social, ingresamos a un baño al que ‘no deberíamos poder ingresar’ o organizamos una editatona. Esta frase es un chiste pero a la vez, una pequeña celebración de que pudimos romper una regla que sentíamos, nos oprimía. Pero en México dirían ¡Que hacker amiga!

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Impact for what and for whom? Digital technologies and feminist movement building feminist talk - Lun, 11/06/2017 - 13:20
Lulú Barrera(Luchadoras, Mexico) recorded a video of Srilata Batliwala (CREA, India) talking about movements, feminism, and disruption at the Making a Feminist Internet meeting in Malaysia in early October. This video and the short piece are to be read together as a dialogue between Srilatha Batliwala and “Primavera Violeta”.

How does technology impact in our feminist movements? from APC on Vimeo.

Feminist talk

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Impact for what and for whom? Digital technologies and feminist movement building

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Lun, 11/06/2017 - 13:20
Lulú Barrera(Luchadoras, Mexico) recorded a video of Srilata Batliwala (CREA, India) talking about movements, feminism, and disruption at the Making a Feminist Internet meeting in Malaysia in early October. This video and the short piece are to be read together as a dialogue between Srilatha Batliwala and “Primavera Violeta”.

How does technology impact in our feminist movements? from APC on Vimeo.

Feminist talk

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Interview with Just Associates SouthEast Asia in-depth - Lun, 11/06/2017 - 11:45
Just Associates believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change. In this interview with Fungai Machirori, JASS speaks about the changing nature of activism and how they rise to the challenge put forth by digital movements and tools.

Fungai Machirori speaks to a representative of Just Associates in South-east Asia in this interview that took place at the Making a Feminist Internet convening in early October in Malaysia. JASS is a global organisation that is now working on new digital forms of activism and organising. JASS believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change.

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Interview with Just Associates SouthEast Asia

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Lun, 11/06/2017 - 11:45
Just Associates believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change. In this interview with Fungai Machirori, JASS speaks about the changing nature of activism and how they rise to the challenge put forth by digital movements and tools.

Fungai Machirori speaks to a representative of Just Associates in South-east Asia in this interview that took place at the Making a Feminist Internet convening in early October in Malaysia. JASS is a global organisation that is now working on new digital forms of activism and organising. JASS believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change.

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[Publicaciones] Vamos falar sobre “revenge porn”: estratégias jurídicas de enfrentamento no Brasil

A divulgação não consentida de imagens intimas não é algo novo. Em setembro de 2006, um vídeo em que a modelo Daniela Cicarelli e o namorado são filmados tendo relações sexuais em uma praia na Espanha foi amplamente noticiado. No entanto, somente em 2013, após a ampla cobertura da mídia o caso de duas adolescentes que cometeram suicídio após terem vídeos íntimos divulgados por ex-namorados jogou luz ao problema, que ganhou o nome da mídia e socialmente de “revenge porn”.

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[Recursos] Podcasts para nuevas voces en la web

A partir de la última edición del Festival Werk It analizamos la representación de las mujeres en los dos sitios más importantes (en términos cuantitativos) del podcasting de la Argentina: Argentina podcastera y Posta FM.

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[COLUMN] Sanitary Panels on Mansplaining feminist talk - Mié, 10/25/2017 - 09:52
Sanitary Panels is ironic yet hard hitting, where social commentary masquerades as a web comic and makes us rethink many of our assumptions. Here the comic explores aspects of gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers.

Sanitary Panels is ironic yet hard hitting. Here social commentary masquerades as a web comic and makes us rethink many of our assumptions. This comic explores aspects of gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education and careers.

Image description: Comic using stick figures

Feminist talk

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[COLUMN] Sanitary Panels on Mansplaining

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mié, 10/25/2017 - 09:52
Sanitary Panels is ironic yet hard hitting, where social commentary masquerades as a web comic and makes us rethink many of our assumptions. Here the comic explores aspects of gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers.

Sanitary Panels is ironic yet hard hitting. Here social commentary masquerades as a web comic and makes us rethink many of our assumptions. This comic explores aspects of gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education and careers.

Image description: Comic using stick figures

Feminist talk

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Ciberfeminismo en el territorio digital

genderit-feninist talk-es - Mar, 10/24/2017 - 17:02
La brecha digital por motivos de género nos sigue expulsando de una posibilidad real de participación, decisión y liderazgo sobre las tecnologías y un control de nuestra imagen en ellas.¿Hay posibilidades de que el feminismo se exprese en el territorio digital? Las búsquedas son diversas, creativas, arrojadas, pero no sin riesgos...

Según el sitio web internetworldstats, que ofrece información actualizada sobre el uso de internet en el mundo, Argentina es uno de los países más conectados de Latinoamérica con casi 80% de conectividad, incluyendo telefonía móvil, junto con Chile y Ecuador. Este contexto que parece propicio para el acceso a las redes no es en sí mismo un índice que asegure un uso igualitario de las tecnologías entre mujeres y varones.

Feminist talk

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Ciberfeminismo en el territorio digital

La brecha digital por motivos de género nos sigue expulsando de una posibilidad real de participación, decisión y liderazgo sobre las tecnologías y un control de nuestra imagen en ellas.¿Hay posibilidades de que el feminismo se exprese en el territorio digital? Las búsquedas son diversas, creativas, arrojadas, pero no sin riesgos...

Según el sitio web internetworldstats, que ofrece información actualizada sobre el uso de internet en el mundo, Argentina es uno de los países más conectados de Latinoamérica con casi 80% de conectividad, incluyendo telefonía móvil, junto con Chile y Ecuador. Este contexto que parece propicio para el acceso a las redes no es en sí mismo un índice que asegure un uso igualitario de las tecnologías entre mujeres y varones.

Feminist talk

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Automation and the future of work: bringing women into the debate feminist talk - Mar, 10/24/2017 - 11:56
The future of work in a digital economy could vary enormously depending for different people depending on where they live, who they work for or in what industry, and what access to privilege and resources they have. Dr. Becky Faith in this article examines the particular impact that automation and AI might have on gendered, precarious and often poorly paid labour that women usually are engaged in across the world, but especially in developing countries.

Article republished from Institute of Development Studies.
Insights from the AI Summit, London

Feminist talk

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Automation and the future of work: bringing women into the debate

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mar, 10/24/2017 - 11:56
The future of work in a digital economy could vary enormously depending for different people depending on where they live, who they work for or in what industry, and what access to privilege and resources they have. Dr. Becky Faith in this article examines the particular impact that automation and AI might have on gendered, precarious and often poorly paid labour that women usually are engaged in across the world, but especially in developing countries.

Article republished from Institute of Development Studies.
Insights from the AI Summit, London

Feminist talk

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[Columna] ¿Qué internet para qué feminismo?

genderit-feninist talk-es - Mar, 10/17/2017 - 18:45
¿Qué quiere decir "una internet feminista"? ¿Se trata de tener más mujeres en puestos jerárquicos en las empresas de tecnología, en las que administran las redes sociales o brindan servicios de internet? ¿O se trata de considerar otra visión del feminismo, más radical que identifica al patriarcado como el fundamento último de la organización social que garantiza el dominio del hombre sobre la mujer, ahora también visible en internet? Buena discusión que recién que apenas comienza...

Abriendo espacios en internet para una nueva ola de feminismo

Feminist talk

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